More native Hawaiians live outside of Hawaii because they cannot afford to live there. The land has become too expensive. 19 trustees control seven hundred thousand acres of land. The native Hawaiians should be in control of these lands.
In 1887, the Kingdom of Hawaii was overrun by landowners, missionaries, and business people. US sugar plantations came to dominate the politics of the island. Their presence impacted social and economic life, and the old system changed. Many aspects of traditional culture were prohibited, such as the native Hula and the people speaking their own language. The United Nations has said that’s a form of genocide. In 1898, the American military took over Hawaii. Then, American corporations and the military stole thousands of acres from the Hawaiians.
Prince Johan Kuhio Kalaniana Ole vision was for all native Hawaiians to live on their lands and live like their ancestors. However, only Hawaiians with half Hawaiian blood could live on their land. In 1929, Congress and the American president passed into law that 200,000 acres belonged to the Hawaiians so they could live on their land. These lands were called Hawaiian homesteads or DHHL. In 1959, America made Hawaii a state. The governor appointed a nine-member executive board. Most of the members had good-paying management jobs with the state.
Most Hawaiians have to wait 20 years, and most die before they can move on their land. One lady, Kahilihawa Kipapa, waited 45 years, and she was a full-blooded Hawaiian. The Hawaiians had to build white man houses with government codes. Some of the homes have to be built for $300,000. Those without money and who do not qualify for a loan will never live on their land.
The governor wanted to make a casino on their lands to benefit the state. The native American Indians have their own police and health clinics. Hawaiians should be able to rule their lands like many of the native Indians. If the Hawaiians want their lands back, they should all organize and unite as one nation. They should also prove that they have Hawaiian blood through DNA. They could also vote for a chief and other elected officials like the Indians. They should have term limits. If they don’t like the job that someone is doing, the Hawaiians can vote them out. They don’t have to wait for 4 years. All the Hawaiians should vote on any big decision that needs to be made.
A law should be made: no more foreigners can buy land in Hawaii. Hawaiians shouldn’t have to pay state taxes. They should have a sheriff in every district, police in every city, and a mayor in every town. More qualified Hawaiians should be judges and hold government offices. In Hawaii, the Japanese have a monopoly on government jobs.
Parker Ranch has five trustees in charge. The Parker family no longer owns the ranch, and the trustees are making a lot of money. The ranch has 130,000 acres and thousands of cows. Kamehameha the First gave Mr. Parker a few acres. It’s unclear how the Parkers acquired those lands. They were probably stolen.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop left 360,000 acres called Bishop estate lands. After her death, the Caucasians claimed it was to educate the poor Hawaiian children. The estate is worth 6-10 billion dollars. This money and land should be given back to the native Hawaiians. Five trustees are in charge and make a ton of money.

People can post their organizations here if they want to help this new movement and make extra money. This organization has a website: helphawaiiansgetfreeland.com. People should try to get people’s emails and names so they can contact them about upcoming events. Once people have their website, they can get email software like Brevo that handles unlimited emails. People who have YouTube channels can post this article. People in different parts of the world can raise awareness. For example, they may say they will hold a rally on a certain date at a certain place. They can contact their local media to cover their event. It could be like Black Lives Matter, except Hawaiian Lives Matter.
Also, Hawaii sends many old people to nursing homes in the Philippines and prisoners to America because it’s cheaper. The people of Hawaii need prisons and nursing homes built in Hawaii for the locals so their families can visit them. Moreover, people can establish more Teen Challenges there. Teen Challenge is the most successful drug rehab center in the world. Over 90 percent of its graduates don’t go back to using drugs. On the other hand, the Big Island and Maui don’t have a psychiatric ward.
Hawaii will have the money for these programs because of the billions of dollars in Bishop Estates. Hawaii can let native Hawaiians borrow money to build homes and start businesses. On the other hand, Hawaiians can start a fund for their lawyers to fight for lands that were ripped off from other lawyers. When the writer of this article was 12 years old, he witnessed his aunt, who was in charge of the family land, tell the relatives they lost their land.
The family had hired a lawyer, but they were to receive a check, and they had to sign for it, which was a tiny fraction of what it was worth. They had land from the mountain to the ocean. The writer of this article can make a deal with a lawyer to help fight for his family’s land and pay the lawyer back with a piece of his land. He can do the same with a surveyor, a bulldozer operator, people to build a house, and so on. The burden of proof will be on the other guy. He needs to go to Honolulu, where they keep the land records. They can search all the places with his family’s last name, and it will go back to the 1920s senses. It will also show all the places the family names have land they can prove. Plus, they can get genealogies through the Morman and catholic church.
The Hawaiians don’t have to kick out people who already built on their land, but the courts could raise their taxes and give them an acre around the house, take the rest of the land, and give it back to the original owners of that land. Hawaiians can also raise taxes on hotels. Maybe President Trump will let Hawaii secede from the states and become its own country again. People in Hawaii can still have all their benefits, like SSI, and they can keep the military bases there. This will leave President Trump with a great legacy. When people get land, they can get just one acre if they want a home. Or 20 acres to farm and a home. If more Hawaiians had their own farms, the cost of food would be way down, and the people on the islands would be self-sufficient and happy.
The writer of this website saw a man who lived in Malasha on YouTube, saying he was about thirty years old and working in a city where he was making little wages. He could only afford to live in a small room with a few other men. He could buy noodles and rice. His health was not good because he couldn’t buy fresh vegetables. Then he figured out that when he was back home, where he used to live with his mother, they ate fresh vegetables, and he didn’t work hard long hours. So he decided to go back home.
When he got home, He asked his mom if he could use a small plot of land to grow vegetables. He made about 12 rows of little hills. He planted one type of vegetable in each row. He used cow dung collected on the road and dirt from a pond. The rows were about 12 feet long, and he would harvest one group of vegetables. Every day, he had enough vegetables for his family to eat, plus they had some leftovers; he would take them to town, but before he made it to the city, neighbors would buy his vegetables because they knew it was organic. Soon, his mom would realize she didn’t have to waste her time going to town to buy vegetables. Eventually, he made enough money to buy a few acres. He said working a small farm with his labor worked great. However, if he worked on a big farm and had to hire someone else, he would be poor like his cousin. They can do the same thing in Hawaii. They can buy an enduro motorcycle suitable for riding on the street and dirt it can go where 4wheel drives go. In the Philippines, they can buy 155 ccs they can, put a trailer on it, and travel where there aren’t any roads. Moreover, they come in all sizes. People will pay about $6000.00 for a new one. It comes with lights, so it’s legal on the road.

In Hawaii, the native Hawaiians can do the same thing. While they are waiting to get their land, they can find the bishop’s estate land and farm some of it to build a simple house. They can do the same thing in America. Many people with large properties are not doing anything with them. They could lease about three acres of land and let people farm it and live there.

President Clinton apologizes for 1893 overthrow of Hawaiian monarchy
America returned the Philippines, Okinawa, Cuba, Guam, and Panama Canal.
Many politicians are getting paid by the military complex. 357 voted for – 66 didn’t vote for the Patriot Act. The patriot act allows the government to arrest an American citizen in America without proof of doing anything wrong, and they won’t have a lawyer to defend them. They will send them away, locked up somewhere could be till they die. And they don’t have to tell anyone. That’s just one of the bad things. President Trump needs to change these laws. It’s unconstitutional.